We are making the right connection (Jesus Christ) and through it
we are Loving God, Loving People and Pursuing Purpose.
Feel free to inquire about and investigate the ministries below in order to find out what God is doing through the body of believers. While we have worked hard to give you a glimpse of our ministry, the best way to discover the heart of a church family is by spending time with its people. God is doing some very exciting things in the hearts and lives of the people who call The Bridge Church of Alabama their church home.

To introduce and lead people into a nurturing and genuine personal relationship with Jesus Christ while they foster and build meaningful relationships with others. We will be a place that will incite people to discover and develop their purpose in life.
"Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of His body, the Church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing full of love."
Ephesians 4:15-16 NLT
The Bridge Church of Alabama was birthed out of four years of serving God unconditionally as Campus Pastors, and staying dedicated to the vision that had been spoken by our Senior Pastor, at the time, Vince E Allen.
In 2014, I accepted the position as Campus Pastor for a remote site of the Bridge Church in Columbus, Georgia which was located and launched at 714 Columbus Parkway in Opelika, Alabama. We held services there for a few months before having to transition to another facility. Over the course of four years, the campus moved from hotels to movie theaters and from movie theaters back to hotels in between Auburn and Opelika, Alabama. We moved a total of seven times before the Lord gave us a permanent home.
In 2018, we received a blessing from the Lord! We found a building located at 315 2nd Avenue in Opelika, Alabama that could serve as a permanent building for the ministry. Praise God!
Upon finding the permanent location, Pastor Allen sought the Lord and was led to ask me if it was time for me to step out in faith and continue to pastor the campus location, but pastor it as a separate entity from the main campus. After seeking the Lord and my wife's blessing, we stepped out in faith and founded what is now known as the Bridge Church of Alabama.
God began to speak to us a renewed vision to move forward with and embody as our new identity. We established the church with the assistance of Pastor Allen and the staff of our Bridge Church in Columbus, Georgia. We will be forever grateful for how God orchestrated everything in our favor.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for showing interest by visiting our website. We would like to invite you to fellowship with us at any of our worship services where we are Loving God, Loving People and Pursuing Purpose."
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?